Once Upon a Mattress

Reflection Questions

Reflection Questions

Once Upon a Mattress is based on the classic fairytale “The Princess and the Pea,” and in fairytales, the story often ends with characters living “happily ever after.” We see that many of the characters in Once Upon a Mattress are waiting for their happily ever after—but most of them face obstacles that are outside of their control. For example, Lady Larken and Harry, who can’t get married until Prince Dauntless does. Or the King, who cannot speak and take back power until the curse is broken.

Princess Winnifred, on the other hand, knows who she is and what she wants, and she is fearless in trying to get it. Along the way, she finds people who want to help her, such as the Jester.


  • Think about your personal “happily ever after.” What does “happily ever after” look like for you?
  • What are some steps that are helping you get closer to “happily ever after?”
  • Do you believe that people have control over our fate or path in life? Why or why not?

Prince Dauntless’s identity is very much tied to that of his family—especially his mother, Queen Aggravain. Over the course of the show, we see how the Queen exerts control over Dauntless: over who he is, what he wants, and what’s going to happen in his future. And although Dauntless loves his mother, it is not until he is able to recognize what he wants, and who he is, that he is able to chase after his own happily ever after.

  • What role does family play in a person’s identity?
  • What are some dreams your family has for you? Are they different from the dreams you have for yourself?
  • How can families support each other in finding “happily ever after?” Who else within a community can provide support?