Ragtime: A Timeline of History and Fiction
Historical fiction is a genre of literature that involves reconstructing the past. Often inspired by historical events, creators of this genre may incorporate real events or people into their fictitious stories.
Ragtime originated as a 1975 historical fiction novel by E.L. Doctorow. The story takes place at the start of the 20th century and follows a mix of fictional and historical characters as they experience key events in American history at that time. Although the overall story of the three main families involved is imagined, many of the events referenced throughout the story are not only factual, but also integral to the experiences of the characters. And in this story, some of the characters are also based on actual historical figures, like Booker T. Washington, Evelyn Nesbit, and Harry Houdini.
Learning about what was happening in America at the turn of the 20th century provides a deeper understanding of the musical, and what motivates each character to act in the ways that they do throughout the show.
Most of the events referenced in the show take place between the years 1901 – 1916, with the Epilogue included, but sometimes they don’t take place in the same order in the show as they did in real life.