Encores! Urinetown

Activity 1 Part 1

Create Your Own Satire

Objective: Create a satirical premise by identifying a topic and exaggerating, twisting, or critiquing it to highlight its flaws, contradictions, or absurdities.

What is a necessity that is gatekept in our world today? What do you not have access to or only have limited access to?

(Examples include: public transit, public restrooms, access to water, permission to use the restroom in schools, school supplies, libraries, public spaces and public parks, public education, food, healthcare, etc.)


Step 1: Choose a Target

Based on the restricted necessities listed above, select a social topic. This social topic will be the seed idea for your own satirical premise. From the social topic, you will develop a satirical premise. From this premise, create original satire content. Your satire can be conveyed through a medium of your choice.

Choose a subject that is ripe for satire. (Examples: politics, social media, celebrities, education, consumerism, climate change, fashion, etc.)

Social Topic:


Step 2: Select the Tone

Satire can take many tones. What tone(s) will best fit your satirical premise?

Choose from the following: dark, absurd, cynical, mocking, sarcastic, ironic


Step 3: Identify the Issue and Exaggerate It

Every satirical premise needs an issue to exaggerate or critique. Think about what’s absurd, contradictory, or over-the-top about your chosen topic.

What is the core issue?


Satire often involves taking an issue to an extreme.

How can you exaggerate or blow this issue out of proportion?

Exaggerated Issue:


Step 4: Select the Medium

Satire takes many forms. What medium will best reveal the message of your satirical premise?

Choose from the following: political cartoon, song parody, short scene or sketch, short story, storyboard, tableau


Step 5: Impact and Message

Satire often has a deeper message or critique. Think about what you want your audience to take away from your satirical piece. How do you want to make the audience feel?

What message do you want the audience to walk away with?

Choose from the following: to educate, to inspire, to shame, to empower, to critique, to question. Explain.



Step 6: Bring Your Satirical Premise to Life

Using all the elements you’ve gathered, craft a premise for your satire. This should be a brief description of the exaggerated, ironic situation, issue, or idea you’re presenting.


Now, use your premise and chosen medium to create a piece of satirical content. Here are a few things to consider as you bring your satire to life:

  • Satire uses many literary devices to capture the message. Consider the use of irony, imagery, allegory, parody, sarcasm, symbolism, and other literary devices. Learn more about these terms in the Literary and Theatrical Devices' section.
  • Satire considers different points of view. Who are your main characters? Do your characters benefit from the exaggerated issue or are they hurt by the exaggerated issue? Are your characters in a powerful social group or a less powerful social group?
  • Have fun! Satire works best when it blends humor with insight, exaggeration with truth. Use this worksheet as a guide, but don't be afraid to experiment and push boundaries!

Urinetown Example

Step 1: Choose Your Target

Target: capitalism

Step 2: Select the Tone

Tone: absurd and dark

Step 3: Identify the Issue and Make it Absurd

Issue: There is a water shortage because of overconsumption and climate change.

Exaggerated Issue: The water shortage is so bad that water consumption must be monitored, and this includes toilets. To monitor water consumption, people can only use government-owned public restrooms which keep rising in cost. It becomes a privilege to pee.

Step 4: Create Your Satirical Premise

Premise: This is a world where a terrible water shortage gives way to a corrupt system that outlaws private toilets and forces citizens to pay to use the restroom.

Step 5: Select the Medium

Medium: musical comedy

Step 6: Impact and Message

Impact/Message: As audiences laugh and tap their toes, they are hit with a cautionary tale about the dangers of for-profit businesses preying on basic human needs.